The University of Darussalam Gontor is the idea and purpose of three scholars, K.H. Ahmad Sahal, K.H. Zainuddin Fannani, and K.H. Imam Zarkasyi (Trimurti, the founder of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor). Using the assets of their parents and some sufficient funds, in 1926, they began to open a low educational institution called Tarbiyatul Atfal. Ten years later, in 1936, the institution is upgraded into secondary education, Kulliyatul Muállimin al-Islamiyyah (KMI). The idea to create University does not recede, as a step towards the ideals of establishing the University of Darussalam Gontor, on 1 Rajab 1383/17 November 1963 established the Institute of Darussalam Education (Institut Pendidikan Darussalam or IPD). In 1994, the IPD was changed into the Institute of Islamic Studies Darussalam (Institut Studi Islam Darussalam or ISID). Thanks to the hard work and assistance from various peoples, the University of Darussalam Gontor was officially established in 2014 with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 197 / E / O / 2014 on the Establishment License of the University of Darussalam Gontor dated July 4, 2014.

The Founder of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor always advise his successors to maintain the quality of education that is managed. Orderly and neatness of administration is an absolute thing that must be implemented to maintain the trust of stakeholders. For that, since the institution established, the need for discipline and exemplary are duty and obligation of the entire academic community. Based on the document of “The Introductory Book” written that the Education in Pondok Gontor not only with lips (speech) but also by “doing” so that there are assignments and controlling, which is mean there is implementation of quality assurance since the beginning of establishment of Pondok.

There are many uniqueness and primacies in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor that need to be controlling by quality assurance system, including:

  1. One of the characteristics of Pondok Gontor is: mental education (character building) must be prioritized à See the Introduction Book, History Chapter, etc.
  2. One of the primacies of Pondok Gontor is: not only program based education (outcomes based education), but Pondok Gontor already been patterned on the “output-outcome-impact” based education.

Here it is the function and the need of a Quality Assurance System that guards the quality of the University of Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA Gontor) to keep maintain and in accordance with the expected. Quality Assurance System that has existed since the beginning of the Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor establishment, through the time of ISID until the time of UNIDA Gontor at this time always updated as needed. Hopefully, continue and guard the quality of UNIDA Gontor which has in accordance with socio-cultural circumstances (kepondokmodernan) and the Islamic boarding system (kepesantrenan).